BTRM Webinar: Intra-day Liquidity Risk by Christopher Westcott

Complimentary BTRM Masterclass Webinar:
Intra-day Liquidity Risk

 (Password: Treasury2019)

In 2013, the Basel Committee identified a suite of monitoring tools to support the management of intraday liquidity by banks. Although supervisors in many jurisdictions have been slow to adopt the Basel proposals, the global regulatory landscape is gradually changing.  

BTRM Head of Faculty, Mr Christopher Westcott presents a concise briefing on the subject in a 90 minute webinar.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • What is intraday liquidity risk and why does it matter?
  • Case Study: The Failure of Lehman Brothers
  • Establishing a control framework for managing intraday liquidity risk
  • Intraday liquidity monitoring metrics
  • Intraday liquidity reporting
  • Intraday liquidity management - observations from the UK experience
  • The total liquidity requirement and how the intraday liquidity rules are influencing banks

Intra-day Liquidity Risk - Slides