Duration: 📅 6 Months: 50+ lecture hours. Starting in April & October.
Format: 💻 Recorded Lectures Online
Evaluation: 📊 Module Tests + Final Examination + Certificate
Time Commitment: 📆 8 - 10 Hours Weekly. The weekly recorded lectures are accessible in your educational portal every Thursday. The weekly live seminars take place the following Thursday at 6pm UK time.
Faculty: 💡 Dedicated Faculty Support available every step of the way. Weekly seminars & student forum.
Regional & Group Discount: 🌐 Global regional & group discount fee structures.
Self-paced Online: 🕛 Students will have the opportunity to apply what they learn in hands-on projects throughout the course.
New QDC Module: ➕ QUANTITATIVE Analyst Developer Strat: THE PROFESSION: 15 hours 30 minutes. This is the first of a kind course that teaches what the job of a quantitative analyst, developer or strat really is.
Coming soon to The Quants Hub: The Quantitative Developer Certificate (QDC) Self-Study Pack
📆 Recorded lectures accessible any time. Take the QDC at your own pace.
Key Outcomes
✔ Established by industry leaders: This unique certification has been established by some of the most recognisable, leading names in the financial services industry.
✔ Our Syllabus: Learn exactly what you need to know to succeed in today’s challenging market. We revise and update our syllabus on a regular basis to cover the fundamentals and keep ahead of the current industry trends
✔ Project Ideas: As close to production as it gets: Try implementing some of the following project ideas programming is best learned through practice.
✔ Taught by leading industry experts, Supported by leaders in Education: We will take you from no or limited programming knowledge to excellence in quantitative development
Regional & Group Discount The QDC Certificate offers global regional & group discount fee structures.
Group Discount: If 2 or more people from your institution wish to take The QDC Certificate please contact us. If you have a wider interest, preferred supplier agreements offer best value.
Regional Offers: Get in contact for offers in your geographic region.
Stefan Turalski: Software Engineer,

Banks, hedge funds and financial technology companies (fintechs) employ thousands of quantitative software development experts with salaries averaging $124,762 per year (approximately £100,000 or €115,000) as reported by Glassdoor, with salaries for senior practiotioners and managers extending into seven and eight figures. Not only are these jobs financially lucrative, they are intellectually challenging and stimulating, and highly regarded socially. Employers include Tower Research Capital, Citadel, Bloomberg L.P., and all the major bulge bracket investment banks. About the programme This course has been designed to empower individuals who work in or are seeking a career in quantitative finance. Throughout our unique QDC programme, candidates work with hands-on assignments to experience first-hand practical challenges in model development for derivative pricing and systematic trading. The QDC is a career-enhancing professional certificate, that can be taken worldwide.
You will be able to receive up to 200 CPD points for completing this course The CPD Certification Service was established in 1996 as the independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the CPD policies of professional and academic bodies. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD principles. www.cpduk.co.uk
An introduction to the QDC: