R in Finance by Joris Meys

R in Finance by Joris Meys

R in Finance by Joris Meys


In this workshop, you’re introduced to the statistical programming language R. The workshop focuses on the aspects of the R language useful for financial analyses, with emphasis on techniques for automation and visualisation. We introduce R and the working environment RStudio using a practical approach with hands-on examples, and introduce a number of the most used add-on packages for financial analysis. The code of the examples will be available.

This workshop does not require any prior knowledge of R, but some experience with programming is assumed.

Quants Hub Programming School 11 Week Format:

Week 1. Lecture 1. 
Basics, Objects and Operations - Part 1

  • Introduction to R
  • Introduction to Scripting
  • Basics of R

Week 2. Lecture 2.  
Basics, Objects and Operations - Part 2

  • Mathematics in R
  • Working with vectors
  • Working with text
  • Adding dimensions

Week 3. Lecture 3. 
Dates and Times in R

  • Working with Dates and Times
  • Working with time series

Week 4. Lecture 4. 
Plotting Data

  • The base plotting system
  • The grammar of graphics: ggplot2

Week 5. Webinar Week: 
This will cover the first 4 weeks of the course. 

Week 6. Lecture 5. 
Logical Flow and Functions

  • Functions and Methods
  • Logical Flow
  • Testing your code

Week 7. Lecture 6.  
Data Manipulation

  • Data in and out
  • Data Manipulation
  • Reshaping data

Week 8. Lecture 7. 
Statistics and Statistical objects

  • Quick summarizing
  • Statistical Objects

Week 9. Webinar Week: 
This will cover weeks 6 - 8 of the course. 

Week 10. Revision Week.

Week 11. Final Practical Project week.

The final project will be marked with feedback and a pass or fail will given. One retake is allowed if you fail. 

About the Presenter

Joris Meys is a statistical consultant in the Biostatistics Department at the University of Ghent.  He is the co-author (with Andrie de Vries) of R for Dummies (Wiley, 2012).  Joris is an accomplished R programmer, and produces R packages both for specific research projects and, via R-Forge, R packages for more general application.  His statistical expertise is in the areas of ecotoxicology, analysis of environmental data, clinical research and meta analysis.

PRMIA Certification:

The Professional Risk Managers' International Association (PRMIA) is a non-profit professional association, governed by a Board of Directors directly elected by its global membership, of nearly 90,000 members worldwide. PRMIA is represented globally by over 65 chapters in major cities around the world, led by Regional Directors appointed by PRMIA's Board.

The Programming School will be fully certified by PRMIA.

CPD Certification

You will be able to receive up to 51 CPD points (11 hours of structured CPD and 40 hours of self-directed CPD) for completing this course.
The CPD Certification Service was established in 1996 as the independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the CPD policies of professional and academic bodies. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD principles.


Other Courses:

Matlab – An Introduction for Financial Applications with Jörg Kienitz
Python for Finance with Yves J. Hilpisch: The Python Quants
F# and Functional Programming in Finance with Tomas Petricek
Mathematica / UnRisk distance learning Module with Michael Aichinger

Advanced C++ Design and Implementation in Quantitative Finance by Nick Webber

